Isn't Social Media Just For Kids?

Isn't Social Media Just For Kids?

One thing I see a lot when people are discussing social media is this: "But that's just for kids!"

Guess what - social media is an entire UNIVERSE of people. Yes, there is a large demographic made up primarily of young teens to young adults. There are also other businesses, other entertainers, and people who want to work with you.

There are potential customers and clients. Facebook isn't just for updates about the family, and Instagram isn't just for sharing pictures of dinner. When used correctly - it's an entire networking program. Algorithms will push your content to the right people. Utilizing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in your posts will drive more impressions on your profiles, which can turn into engagement and clicks to your website.

There is a type of second hand humiliation at the thought of creating a TikTok video, or Facebook page to showcase your talent and your product. If there's one thing we've seen over the past decade and a half, it's that literally anyone can gain a following. The key is building brand awareness, even if YOU are the brand.

Successful digital marketing campaigns share the same KPI: Increased website traffic and lead generation, improved customer engagement, and increased sales and revenue.

They also share the same roadmap. Among several tools, these are the most common: Social Media Audit and Strategy, SEO optimization, brand design, and creating a brand voice that can be recognized from platform to platform (A few fast food restaurants come to mind).

~ T.B.